June show at The "A" Space promises to spark dialogue.
May 25, 2013
New Hope, PA - Linda Guenste is an artist perhaps best known for breathtaking landscapes and intimate portraits of trees. But in her new show, don't mention the WAR, at The "A" Space she debuts her social realism for the local audience. Intriguing and sometimes controversial, the works-on-paper and oil tableaus in this exhibition speak to current trends of popular consciousness.
Guenste explains that, "In the past few years, my work has taken a political turn and focusing on some of the pressing issues of contemporary culture. For instance, when pairing an instrument of assault (like a gun) with one that is not recognized as harmful (like a child) creates an incongruity. The gun is a symbol of force, which is inconsistent with the 'tabla rasa' of youth, yet so prevalent in the world today. The figures are reticent, yet telling us so much." The imagery, which can be heavy at times, is contradicted by the color and whimsy of stroke.
Gallery Director, Christine Ramirez decided to show this presentation because "it is important to remember that 'art' is not just something to look at. Sometimes art needs to cause real conversation and require more interaction with the observer than mere observation. This particular conversation is happening across the country right now." This show is serendipitously well-timed.